Talks & videos Hands-on integrating NFTPort with Unity This is a talk I gave in Lisbon in October 2022, at IPFS camp. What makes it somewhat special: I generated all the illustrations for this deck using DALL-E as an experiment. It actually is a decent way of making pretty slides; I think with a better UI this would
Talks & videos ETH New York workshop: Launching your NFT app with NFTPort This is a short NFTPort workshop I recorded for the ETHGlobal NY hackathon. I was actually in New York around that time but sadly had to fly out before the in-person event itself took place. Recommended over the last one because this is pre-recorded and heavily edited, so much more
Talks & videos Workshop: building NFT apps with NFTPort This is a short workshop I gave at the Road to Web3 online hackathon: a brief demo of NFTPort []'s APIs to people who have a rough understanding of what NFT []s are. If you are not one of those
Talks & videos Video: Invest in Estonia, 1993 This is a hidden gem: Estonia's pitch as a startup country, almost 30 years ago. As far as I know, it hasn't been on the Internet yet. This video (and an accompanying paper publication) was distributed in 1993 by the Estonian Privatisation Agency to invite foreign
Talks & videos Commitment I'm both a millennial and a startup founder and both of these groups are often considered flaky perhaps, unable to commit. They seem like they're, flip-flopping between startup ideas or between jobs, between relationships. And I think all of this comes from different expectations to commitment.
Talks & videos ML at Veriff: What is possible in a year meetup 07.11.2019ML at Veriff: What is possible in a year?Google Docs